Chicken Kosha

Chicken Kosha is, has always been and will always be my favorite preparation of chicken. It’s a greasy and spicy chicken cooked in Bengali household on special occasions. Paired with Luchi, it’s heaven on your platter. You can also have it with Yellow Pulaw or even plain rice. Let’s get started.


1. Chicken (1 kilogram, washed and cut into pieces)
2. Capsicum (1/2, Medium sized)
3. Onion (4, Medium sized, chopped)
4. Tomato (1, Medium sized)
5. Curd (1 tablespoon)
6. Red chili powder (2 teaspoon)
7. Cumin powder (2 teaspoon)
8. Bay leaf (1)
9. Green chili (4, sliced)
10. Mustard oil (8 tbsp)
11. Salt to taste.
12. Cinnamon (1 stick)/Cardamom(4)/Clove(2)
13. Garam Masala powder (1 tsp)
14. Ginger paste (1 tbsp)
15. Garlic paste (1 tbsp)

Note: Here I have used Bengali Garam Masala which is combination of Clove, Cinnamon and Cardamom. You can make your own by grinding them together.

Grind capsicum and tomato and make a thick paste of them.

Before we start cooking, we need to marinade the chicken. For marination add the dry spices (cumin powder, red chili powder), salt and ginger-garlic paste to the chicken. To this add the tomato-capsicum paste and mix the whole thing well. Add 2 tablespoon of mustard oil and give it another good mix. We need to keep this aside for 30 minutes at least.

Heat a heavy bottom pan and, pour 6tbsp of mustard oil. Once the oil is hot, add the sliced onions. Saute the onions till they become a bit brownish and then add the marinated chicken. We need to fry both sides of the chicken pieces for 7-8 mints in high flame. Lower the flame; cover it with a lid and let it cook for 15 minutes. In between you need to check if the chicken has become very dry; in that case, sprinkle some water, give it a stir and continue cooking it under cover. You need to cook till the chicken becomes soft and make sure you don’t burn the chicken. I like the gravy to be a bit greasy; so I didn’t add water at all and cooked the chicken in low flame. You may add water if you want your gravy to be a bit runny. Add a teaspoon of Garam Masala powder and give it gentle mix. Chicken Kosha is ready.



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